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LPTA club rules and policies are designed to ensure members, guests and staff benefit from everything LPTA has to offer. Treating fellow members and staff with respect, as well as helping to care for the courts, grounds and property enhances everyone’s experience. It’s the people that make LPTA the best place to play tennis! 

Please consider getting involved by volunteering at one of our club events or by serving on the Board of Directors. Contact us at for more information.


    1. The desk staff is in charge of the courts. If any issue arises as to court use, the staff’s decision is to be accepted immediately and without protest. Any complaint about a staff member should be addressed only to a Club Manager or LPTA President.  

    2. Following play, all players are responsible for removing towels, cups, tennis balls and other items from the court. Glass containers are not allowed on the courts.  

    3. No player may proceed to a court without signing up for court time with the desk staff, who will assign courts on a first-come, first-served basis for a 50-minute playing period. A specific court (e.g., court #1 – #6, etc) cannot be requested. 

    4. Doubles have priority between the hours of 8:30am and 11:30am on Saturdays and holidays only, whenever there are LPTA members waiting to play. Therefore, between 8:30am and 11:30am on Saturdays and holidays only, doubles will be able to bump singles, even if the singles’ playing period has not expired. At all other times, doubles will not have priority over singles. At all other times, everyone is subject to the 50-minute bumping rule.

    5. With the exception of one-off events (“Wimbledon”, et al.), there shall be no fewer than 3 courts available for open court play at all times.  

    6. When bumping occurs, the players on the court should exit the court immediately upon request. Players requesting the court should wait until a point ends to make that request. 

    7. All players shall leave the courts immediately if directed by Club staff for court maintenance or safety reasons, and their playing period shall be deemed expired. They are eligible to be reassigned to a new court. 

    8. When the makeup of the playing group is changed during the playing period, the period will be terminated 50 minutes after the first player in the group began playing. In other words, playing time does not reset if the players change.

    9. If LPTA members are waiting, a player may not play more than one period without being off the courts for at least 15 minutes before assignment for another playing period. 

    10. If a playing group does not wish to play on an assigned court, it may pass, but the playing group shall be placed at the end of the waitlist. A playing group may, however, choose to decline assignment to a court that would not allow for a full 50 minutes of playing time–they would still retain their place in the waitlist.

    11. No playing group may “bump” another playing group if any court is open. See exception: The last sentence of #8. 

    12. If LPTA members are waiting, players under one family membership shall not occupy more than one court.  

    13. Players shall wear tennis attire, including a shirt and smooth-soled tennis shoes, at all times on the courts. A herringbone sole pattern is preferable. Running shoes and cross-trainers are NOT allowed.

  • This Code of Conduct for members and guests has been developed to promote a safe, friendly and respectful place for members, guests and staff to gather in the spirit of cooperation, relaxation, goodwill, fun, and friendly competition.

    The Code of Conduct differs from rules in that it addresses acceptable behavior.

    All members and guests of the Lincoln Park Tennis Association (LPTA or the Club) and the Diversey Tennis Center (DTC) are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that:

    • Creates an environment that reflects the personal integrity and respect one would expect in any public/social environment. This same integrity and respect are expected whether on the courts or anywhere on the Club/DTC grounds.

    • Is free of discrimination or any form of harassing behavior including sexual harassment.

    • Acknowledges LPTA/DTC as a family-friendly environment and therefore refrains from using obscenities or loud and boisterous behavior.

    • Shows respect for the person and dignity of fellow members, guests, and staff.

    • Adheres to all published Club rules and bylaws.

    • Helps maintain the physical appearance of the Club/DTC.

    • Demonstrates an understanding that members and guests have no authority to instruct staff in job performance or duties.

    • Is vigilant in reporting real or perceived safety hazards and/or behavioral issues to staff, or the Club’s General Manager.

    • Understands that suggestions and/or concerns regarding the operation of the Club/DTC for the betterment of the Club/DTC should be made to the Club’s General Manager in writing.

    • Understands that concerns and/or suggestions should be communicated to the Club’s General Manager and/or the LPTA Board, and not through mass emails to the membership.


    Any LPTA/DTC member or guest found to be in violation of the Code of Conduct will be subject to a warning, and a suspension or termination of membership or guest privileges at any time as determined by the LPTA Board based on the severity of the violation, and the member or guest will not receive any reimbursement of dues or payments already made.


    1. In addition to the rules of tennis, there are also some important unwritten laws that fall under Tennis Etiquette. Tennis is a social game, a game involving simple politeness and consideration. Everyone will enjoy the game so much more if these standards are maintained. Here are some of the basic rules and etiquette that are most important: 

    2. Talk quietly when standing near tennis courts in use. There should be no calling of lines or coaching by spectators at any time. 

    3. Please use the walkways to get to your court, waiting for a point to finish if the gate to your court is adjacent to a court with players on it. Never walk behind a court or retrieve a ball when a point is still in play. Wait until the point is over and then cross as fast as possible. 

    4. Wear sneakers made for tennis. Other shoes may wear out quickly, hurt your feet, or damage the court. 

    5. When you’re ready to play, put racket covers, ball cans, jackets etc., out of everyone’s way. When finished playing, clean up used cups, towels and trash that has accumulated courtside. 

    6. Ask nicely for your ball on another court after their point has finished. When sending balls back to a neighboring court, roll them on to the back of the court. Never send them back while play is in progress.

    7. Call your own lines and let your opponent hear the call. Balls that land on the line are in! 

    8. Always treat your partners and opponents with respect.

    9. If there is a disagreement, offer a let. In other words, replay the point, even if it was a second service, and move on. 


    1. Please do not interrupt any of our pros during a lesson. 

    2. Please keep the swearing, spitting, and racquet throwing to a minimum! 

    3. Please use our locker room to change – not the clubhouse or lawn area. 

    4. Clean up all cups, plates, towels, and trash on the tables we share – do not leave it for another member to clean up!

    1. For good cause, the LPTA Board of Directors may make exceptions to these rules and policies.  

    2. The Club Manager and the Head Pro are authorized to ask a member or guest to leave the premises if they break the rules, or are rude to staff or other players.  

    3. The primary purpose of the LPTA directory is to help members arrange tennis games. Members’ email addresses and telephone numbers should not be used to promote a charity, solicit business, or be given to an outside entity. We ask members to use proper email etiquette when they wish to respond to topics in emails from LPTA. We would remind members that clicking ‘reply all’ is generally inconsiderate to others. Members’ concerns, suggestions and/or complaints should be communicated to the Club Manager and/or the Board of Directors in writing, and not through mass emails to the membership. 

    4. No smoking is allowed within the LPTA grounds. 

    5. All members, guests, and staff must adhere to the Club’s Code of Conduct.

    1. Parking is available for Members and Guests in the lot west of the Club.  

    2. Members must always display an issued parking pass.  

    3. Guests must display a guest parking pass.

    4. Members and Guests must park in the area reserved for LPTA. Parking outside the LPTA designated area is subject to ticketing and/or towing at the owner’s expense.

    5. DO NOT block other parked cars.  

    6. DO NOT park in front of the double court gates.

    1. All guests are subject to a $20 guest fee. This fee entitles the guest to play for the day.  

    2. It is the member’s responsibility to pay the guest fee prior to play and to bring the guest to the staff desk to register EACH TIME they play at the club. The staff should never have to ask the guest for the fee.  

    3. Guests may play anytime except before noon on Saturdays and Holidays (Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day).

    4. No person may be a guest more than 5 times during the year. Guests must complete the LPTA waiver form on each visit.  

    5. A guest’s host must be present at the Club while the guest is playing. 

    6. Family members who are not included in Club membership are subject to guest rules.  

    7. A member may not host more than three guests per day. 

    8. No more than 2 guests are allowed per court. 

    1. A request by a member to adopt inactive status will generally be considered only when the member has moved out of the Chicago area or has suffered an injury or other medical issue which the member reasonably believes will make it impossible for him/her to play tennis for the remainder of the season, or another extenuating circumstance. All inactive status requests should be sent to the Membership Chairperson and the President for their consideration and approval.

    2. If inactive status is approved, the amount of refund will be prorated based on the date the request is received by the Membership Chairperson and the President and determined by the Treasurer. If a member renews by the renewal deadline and then elects to go inactive prior to the club opening, they will receive a full refund of dues (less the inactive hold fee).

    3. Vacations and/or infrequent use of the Club will not be considered sufficient grounds for a refund or rollover.  

    4. If approved, the amount of refund or rollover will be calculated based on the date the request is received by the Membership Chairperson and the President.  

    5. If an inactive member has not paid the total initiation fee and the fee has increased since the membership went inactive, then the member will need to match the current initiation fee rates upon reactivation of his/her membership.  

    6. Members who opt to go inactive for the season are required to pay a $100 annual hold fee and any remaining initiation fees when due. Members may request to go inactive at any time during the season, and members may be inactive for more than one year by renewing their hold fee for an additional $100 per year. Inactive members are allowed the same privilege as non-members to play as guests. Inactive members may request active membership status during the ongoing season through a full or pro-rated payment of dues as determined by the Treasurer. Whether or not an inactive member can revert to active membership status during the season will depend on whether there is space under the Club’s membership capacity limit (as defined by the Board).

    7. A Former Member (e.g., someone who resigned and does not have inactive status) may re-apply by paying a reinstatement fee of $300 plus any unpaid initiation fees as determined by the Treasurer. Former Members under this section exclude children who were members only as part of family membership.


    1. 4:45PM:

    2. Arrival and check-in

    3. 5:00 – 5:15PM:

    4. Warm up period

    5. 5:15 – 6:15PM:

    6. Match play

    7. 6:15 – 7:00PM:

    8. Social time with pizza, salad, soft drinks and cash bar in the shady area just outside the public side gate

  • The PRIMARY purpose of L.P.T.A. Team Tennis is social! We want everyone to be able to join together as a community at 6:15 or as close to that time as possible. This is not the venue for a match dragging on at the expense of good company, food and adult beverages! 

    For that reason, the rules are as follows:

    1. Competitive play will consist of one hour of play (5:15 to 6:15) or a pro set (first to eight games by two), whichever comes first.

      1. If at 6:15 a game is still in progress, finish the game.

      2. Play a tiebreaker only if the game score is tied. If a team is up by at least one game, the match is over.

      3. Overall team standings will be based upon total number of games won, NOT total number of matches won. So, if a team is up by one game, the match is over and the games are tallied.

    2. Play out the first deuce. The second deuce is sudden death. At first deuce, play it out. At the second deuce, it’s sudden death.

      1. In a mixed doubles match, if a woman is serving, she serves to the opposing woman. If it’s a man serving, he serves to the opposing man.

      2. If it’s same- sex teams, the returning team decides who will accept the serve. 

    3. Teams switch sides every odd game.

    4. Tiebreaker: At seven all or in the event of a tie at 6:15, a twelve-point tiebreaker will be played to determine the winner (first to seven by two points)

      1. Teams switch ends of the court every six points (for example when the tiebreak score is 3-3).

      2. The first team to win seven points by two (for example, 7-5 or 8-6) wins the tiebreak.

      3. The tiebreak will count in the overall team tally as a game won.

    1. Groups of 8 players on two courts.

    2. Play one mini-set with each of the other 7.

    3. Play against each of the other 7 twice (different pairings).

    4. 4-game “mini-sets”—no-ad scoring.

    5. At 40-all/deuce, the receiving team dictates which partner will receive the serve for the game-deciding point.

    6. Mini-set scores will be 4-0, 3-1, or 2-2.

    7. Tally up the 7 rounds, and the top point totals advance.

    1. A field of 16 gentlemen will compete in the tournament, which will use a standard Round Robin format. Eight (8) men will be assigned to each of two flights playing on adjacent courts. Each player is partnered with each of the other seven men in his flight during the tournament, playing seven rounds for a total of 28 games. Flight composition and court assignments will be provided at the start of the tournament.

    2. Player check-in is at 3:15 PM; play will start at 3:30 PM.

    3. A round will consist of four games on the designated court with each player serving once. Teams will switch ends after TWO games.  Scoring is NO-AD. If a game goes to 40-40 (Deuce), the receiving team will choose whether to receive on the deuce or advantage side of their court. That point will decide the game.

    4. At the end of each round, one player from each foursome will report the score to a tournament official.   

    5. At the end of seven rounds, the two players with the most total points (games won) from each flight will advance to the final four. Ties will be determined by head-to-head results. If there is still a tie, a coin flip will be used.

    6. The final will be played on Thursday, September 7, at a time to be set later. Seeding generally will be determined as follows: Of the four finalists, the player with the highest score in the round robin will be the #1 seed, the next highest the #2 seed and so on. Seeds #1 and #4 will compete against #2 and #3.

    1. The initial and semifinal rounds of the Mixed Doubles Tournament take place over two weekend days, with the championship match scheduled for a later date.​

    2. A maximum of 32 players (16 men/16 women) will participate.​

    3. On the Saturday, three groups of 4 men/4 women will play from 8:30am to 11:00am, and a 4th group will play from 1:00pm to 3:30pm.​

    4. Each man will play 3 rounds of 8 games, playing once against each of the other men in his group. Each woman will do the same vis-a-vis the other women. The first deuce and ad points in each game will be played out. If a second deuce point is reached, a deciding point will be played with a gender-to-gender serve. ​

    5. The top-scoring (most games won) man and woman from each group will move on to the semifinals on Sunday morning, 8/13, 8:30am-11:00am (same format). The top-scoring 2 men and 2 women from the semifinal round will play in the finals on a mutually agreed upon date, preferably a weekend.

    6. In the finals, the top-scoring man will pair with the 2nd place woman, and the top scoring woman will pair with the 2nd place man. They will play a normal best of 3 sets match.

    1. The tournament is played using a standard Round Robin format with eight (8) women in each of three flights playing on two adjacent courts.  Each player is partnered with each of the other seven women in her flight, therefore playing 28 games for the morning. Each player will receive an instruction sheet that morning specifying pairings and court assignments. Play will begin at 8:30 AM, so we plan to check in no later than 8:15.

    2. A round will consist of four games on the designated court with each player serving once. Teams will switch sides after TWO games.  Scoring is no-ad. At 40-all, the receiving team will choose the side.

    3. One player from the foursome will report the score at the end of each round to one of the monitors. If they wish, players can record the number of games won on their individual score sheet for their own records. 

    4. At the end of seven rounds, the two players with the most points (games won) from each flight will advance to the semi-final which will be played on Sunday morning at 8:30 AM.

    5. A total of eight players will advance to the semi-finals. The two players needed to complete the semi-final eight will be chosen by total points (games won) and at the discretion of the event chair.

    The inaugural LPTA Member-Guest Tournament is set for Friday, September 20th and Saturday September 21st.

    Tournament Details:

    • Entry Fee: $150 per team, payable by check (made to LPTA) or Zelle (sent to Your entry fee goes towards a Friday night tournament dinner, snacks, and cash prizes for the winning teams. We’ll be using a mix of the public and private courts. 

    • Schedule:

    • Friday (9/20) – 2 afternoon sessions starting at 1PM and 3:30PM. Teams will only play in one of the two sessions. Refreshments and a Tournament Dinner are provided.

    • Saturday (9/21) – Morning session starts at 10AM, “Championship” Match immediately following. The top 2 teams from each pod will play in the final “championship” match.  

    • Guest Partner: Please choose someone of roughly your skill level (as a guideline, think +/- .5 of your USTA level). This is not intended to be a “ringer” tournament. Teams can be same gender, mixed gender, whatever you like.

    • Skill Levels: This tournament is intended for players across ALL SKILL LEVELS. You’ll be placed into a group with players of roughly your level, so don’t worry about having to play against players much better or much worse than your level!

    • Matches: All teams will be placed into one of six 6-team “pods” and be guaranteed five 8-game matches (one against each other team in your pod).

    • Registering
      Please only sign up if you believe you can make both the Friday and Saturday sessions.



    • Add your guest’s name to the “enter an optional comment” area, along with estimated USTA level, if you already know it.

    • If you have a preferred starting time, also enter it in the “optional comment” area.

    • There will be a subsequent request to all participants for their guests names and estimated USTA levels.

    • If you would like to play, but do not anticipate having a guest – we may form a waiting list for member/member teams to compete as well, depending on the sign-up volume.

    • Further details on the tournament structure/scoring system will be sent out to tournament participants soon. 

      We’re excited to launch this fun, new event!

      Questions? CONTACT RUSH HOWELL.

Club By-Laws



    The name of this association is LINCOLN PARK TENNIS ASSOCIATION.



    Lincoln Park Tennis Association (the “Club”) shall consist of three classes of membership.

    • Individual Membership – This class of membership shall be open to all persons who are at least 18 years of age. All Club privileges and facilities shall be available to Individual Members in accordance with Club Rules and Policies.

    • Family Membership – This class of membership shall be open to all persons who are at least 18 years of age, and members of their family, which include a spouse or partner with whom they live, and any children who are under 26 years old. All Club privileges and facilities shall be available to the above Family Members equally in accordance with Club Rules and Policies.

    • Special and Honorary Memberships – Special and honorary memberships may be established and extended under special circumstances, as the Board of Directors may determine by a Board Super Majority Vote.


    • The Membership Chairperson shall review Club membership applications and submit the names of applicants and their sponsors (i.e. current members) to the Board of Directors for membership consideration.

    • This information shall be communicated to the Board of Directors by email, fax, letter, phone or verbally at a Board meeting. If five or more members of the Board of Directors object to an applicant, within six days of their being notified of the application, such applicant shall be deemed rejected for Club membership. Otherwise, the applicant may then be accepted as vacancies occur.

    • An approved applicant shall become a Club member upon payment of any initiation fees and yearly dues as determined and assessed by the Board of Directors by a Super Majority Vote.

    • The classes of members shall be considered in the following order of priority in reaching Club membership capacity as determined by the Board of Directors by a Super Majority Vote.

    • Active (i.e. yearly dues and fees paid in full) Individual and Family Members.

    • Applicants who are the adult children of active members and who seek to have their own membership. The initiation fee is waived for these applicants.

    • Individual and Family Members who have been inactive ten years or less and who seek to reactivate membership.

    • New applicants.

    Special and Honorary Memberships are not to be counted in determining the Club’s membership capacity.


    • Active Individual and adult Family Members are entitled to serve on the Board of Directors and hold office. For a Family Membership, only one adult at a time may serve on the Board of Directors and/or hold office.

    • Active Individual and adult Family Members are entitled to vote at the Club’s Annual and Special Members Meetings. Each Membership shall be entitled to one vote. Under a Family Membership, only one adult family member or a family’s proxy shall exercise the right to vote for the family. It is for the family members to decide among themselves who that adult family Member or proxy shall be.

    • Each active Individual and Family Membership is entitled to receive a pro-rata distribution of Club assets upon dissolution of the Club and after payment of all Club debts, except that the pro-rata share of any Club Membership in the Club with an initiation fee not paid in full shall have the unpaid amount subtracted from their pro-rata distribution. Any other outstanding amount owed by any Membership will also be subtracted from their distribution.

    • Special and Honorary Members are not entitled to vote, hold directorship or office, or receive any distribution upon dissolution of the Club.


    Memberships in the Club are not transferable. They may not be bequeathed after death except to the surviving spouse or partner.


    Membership dues, initiation fees, charges, assessments, fines and penalties are established by, and may be changed by the Board of Directors by a Super Majority Vote, as defined in Article IV. Said dues, fees and assessments include, without limitation, regular and special assessments that may be necessary to conduct and maintain the Club, and to comply with the requirements of the Chicago Park District and applicable law.


    Any Member who fails to pay his or her initiation fees, annual dues or other financial obligations to the Club will not be allowed to use the facilities of the Club and will be subject to fines, penalties and membership termination.


    A member who engages in inappropriate or offensive conduct toward a staff member or other members, violates the Club’s Rules, Code of Conduct, or these Bylaws, may be warned by the Board or have their membership privileges suspended or membership terminated, based upon the nature of the conduct. Alleged violations should be reported to an onsite staff member whenever possible and the staff member should generate an incident report including date, time, the involved parties and a brief summary of the event, including the identities of witnesses; if such proves to be impracticable, the incident should be reported in detail as soon as possible to the LPTA manager. Where the Board receives charges alleging that a member has engaged in inappropriate or offensive conduct toward a staff member or other members, or alleging that a member has violated the Club’s Rules, Code of Conduct or the Bylaws, then the charges may result in a warning, suspension of privileges or termination of membership. The Board’s Secretary shall notify the member in writing with the specifics of the charge, and the member shall be provided with the opportunity to appear before the Board and answer the charges, or if the member so chooses, the member may answer the charges in writing and not appear before the Board. If said member wishes to be heard by the Board, he or she must make such a request to the President or the Secretary in writing within seven days of receipt of the charges. Any warning, suspension of privileges or termination of membership requires a Board Super Majority Vote. If a member has his/her club privileges suspended or terminated, no dues or fees shall be refunded to the suspended or terminated member.


    A member who is terminated or voluntarily withdraws shall not be entitled to a refund or any dues or fees.



    There shall be the following Officers of the Club, to be known as the Executive Committee: A President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and such other Officers as the Board of Directors deems necessary by a Board Supermajority Vote.


    • President: The President shall be the principal Executive Officer of the Club. Subject to the direction and control of the Board of Directors, the President shall have general supervision, direction and control of the general business and affairs of the Club and shall perform all duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Board. The President either chairs or appoints a chair to head a task group, approved by a Simple Majority Vote of the Board of Directors, to hire the Club Manager. The Club Manager reports directly to the President. The Board of Directors must agree by a Simple Majority Vote to hire or dismiss the Club Manager. The President presides at all meetings of the Club and of the Board, and is responsible for ensuring periodic Board Meetings and conducting appropriate votes by the Board. The President has the right to vote, but normally exercises the vote only to break a tie vote, or to create a tie, thus causing the motion to fail. The President signs all official documents, performs other normal duties of a President not specified herein, and takes necessary actions, for the safety and preservation of the Club, that would ordinarily be within the purview of the Board of Directors if the timely consideration by the Board of Directors is not possible. The President may establish Committees, and is responsible for appointing the Members and Chairs of Committees where the terms of current Members and Chairs will normally expire on the date of the next Annual Meeting of the Membership. The President will be, ex officio, a member of all Committees. It is the President’s responsibility to report on the general conditions of the Club at the Annual Meeting of the Membership.

    • Vice President: If the President is unable or unwilling to perform his or her duties, the Vice President will assume those duties. If the President’s disability is of a permanent nature, the Vice President assumes the Club Presidency until the next annual meeting, or until a successor is elected.

    • Secretary: The Secretary keeps the minutes of the Board of Directors meetings, distributes the minutes of preceding meetings for approval by the Board of Directors, and makes them available to the membership (excepting executive sessions). The Secretary maintains custody of the Corporate Seal and of all books, documents and papers belonging to the Club (except those pertaining to the office of the Treasurer). It is the Secretary’s responsibility to send out notices of meetings to the members and all other duties normally performed by a Club Secretary.

    • Treasurer: The Treasurer is the custodian of the Club’s funds. The Treasurer is responsible for keeping proper and correct accounts of the Club’s monies, securities and properties, and all of its receipts and disbursements. The financial records of the Club shall be open to inspection at any time to any member of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall present a written financial report at each meeting of the Board of Directors, and the Treasurer shall report to the Board the names of any members who are delinquent in complying with their financial obligations to the Club. The Treasurer shall draw up a proposed annual budget, review it with the Finance Committee, and distribute it to the Board of Directors at least one week before the Board Meeting at which it is to be discussed. A motion and vote to approve or reject the annual budget shall take place at a meeting of the Board of Directors no more than one month later. All budget line items are subject to discussion by the Board of Directors and, if requested, to a Simple Majority Vote of the Board. The Treasurer shall distribute the financial statements of the Club to the members at least three days prior to the Annual Meeting. At the Annual Meeting of the Club’s membership, the Treasurer shall set forth the revenues, assessments and debts owing to the Club. The Treasurer will cause the deposit of funds of the Club in the name of The Lincoln Park Tennis Association in banks designated by the Board by a Board Simple Majority Vote. Withdrawal of funds (except those deposited in the payroll account) shall be by checks signed by the Treasurer and the President, unless the President authorizes the Treasurer to be the sole signatory. The Treasurer is responsible for issuing payments for court maintenance, insurance and other expenditures in the ordinary course of the Club’s business.


    The term of office for all Officers is one year, or until a successor is duly elected by the membership.


    Any Officer may be removed from office by a Board Supermajority Vote. All members of the Board of Directors and Officers of the Club shall be duly notified of any meeting to consider removal of an Officer.


    If any Officer other than President resigns or is removed from service as an Officer, discontinues his or her membership or is otherwise unable to serve, the President shall appoint from the elected members of the Board of Directors a successor, with the approval of a Board Simple Majority Vote, who will serve until the next Annual Meeting. If the President’s office is vacated, the Vice President shall assume the office of the President until the next Annual Meeting. He or she shall then nominate a successor to the office of Vice President from the members of the Board of Directors, with the approval of a Board Simple Majority Vote, who will serve until the next Annual Meeting.



    The Board of Directors shall manage the affairs of the Club and shall establish all necessary policies, procedures and rules of any type or nature in each case by a Board Simple or Super Majority Vote as may be required.


    (a.) The Board of Directors shall comprise ten (10) elected Board members, the elected Officers and the immediate Past President. Other Past Presidents who are active members of the Club may serve as non-voting ex-officio members of the Board of Directors.

    (b.) The 10 elected members of the Board of Directors will be elected at the Annual Meeting from among the Members. Each elected member will hold office for a specific term and until his or her successor is duly elected. Beginning in November 2019, the 10 elected members of the Board of Directors shall be divided into three (3) classes as follows:

    1. Three (3) director positions will be for a term of three years beginning in November 2019 and every third year thereafter.

    2. Three (3) director positions will be for a term of three years beginning in November 2020 and every third year thereafter.

    3. Four (4) director positions will be for a term of three years beginning in November 2021 and every third year thereafter.

    4. The immediate Past President shall serve from the Annual Meeting at the end of his or her term of office as President until the Annual Meeting at which a successor to his or her successor as President is elected.


    The Board of Directors shall meet at least once per quarter and at least twice between June 1 and August 31, upon ten (10) days advance notice to each member of the Board. The President or three (3) Board members may call for additional meeting(s) of the Board of Directors.


    Eleven (11) members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, by presence or proxy, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by the Board of Directors. If there is a quorum, then any action of the Board of Directors shall be taken either by a “Board SuperMajority Vote” or by a “Board Simple Majority Vote,” as specifically provided for in these Bylaws for a given action. The vote of two-thirds of the Board Members who are present at a meeting, either in person or by proxy for said meeting, shall be a Board Supermajority Vote, and the vote of more than fifty percent (50%) of the Board Members who are present at a meeting, either in person or by proxy for said meeting, shall be a Board Simple Majority Vote.


    If an elected Board Member resigns, is removed from the Board of Directors or Club membership, or is otherwise unable to serve, the President may nominate a member of the Club as a successor with the approval of the Board of Directors by a Board Simple Majority Vote. This appointed Board Member shall serve until the next Annual Meeting, at which time the membership shall vote to fill the unexpired term of the vacated directorship.


    No member of the Board shall derive any personal profit or gain, directly or indirectly, by reason of his or her participation with the organization. Each individual shall disclose any personal interest that he or she may have in any matter pending before the organization and shall refrain from participation in any decision on such matter. Board members shall refrain from obtaining any list of LPTA families for personal or private solicitation purposes at any time during the term of their affiliation. Each Board Member shall keep confidential and shall not, without the prior consent of the Board, disclose any confidential information entrusted to them by the LPTA, such as, but not limited to, sensitive information regarding matters of employee discipline, performance or compensation; employment contract; member or staff health, finances, or any other personal information; all non-public information. Any member of the Board of Directors may be removed from office for cause by a Board Super Majority Vote. All Board Members must be duly notified of any meeting to consider removal.


    The Board Secretary shall call, no later than the first Monday in August of each year, for volunteers from the Board to occupy the two Co-Chairs of the Nominating Committee. Ineligible to serve on the Nominating Committee are the Board’s current Officers or anyone who wishes to run for election to the Board at the next Annual Meeting of the Club. In the event that more than two Board members volunteer, the Board Secretary shall draw up a ballot with the names of all eligible volunteers. Voting will be by secret ballot, and each Board member should cast a vote for 1st preference and for 2nd preference. The votes given to the 2nd preferences would only be counted in case of a tie for 2nd place, which would trigger a count of the 2nd preference votes received by the two candidates. If there are any circumstances regarding the selection of the Nominating Co-chairs not addressed herein, the Board will determine the procedure to
    be followed. It shall be the responsibility of the two Co-Chairs to designate three non-Board members of the Club to serve on the Nominating Committee.

    No later than the first Monday in August of each year, the Secretary will notify members that they have an opportunity to submit their names for consideration for Officer and Director positions and will pass any names received to the Nominating Committee Co-Chairs. To be eligible for the position of LPTA Board President, a member must have served on the LPTA Board for at least one year or be a current member of the Board. The Nominating Committee will nominate no more than one candidate for each Officer position, and a maximum of two Individual or Family members who have expressed an interest in serving for each open Director position. The Nominating Committee may not nominate any member of that committee to run as a Club Officer or Director. The Nominating Committee Co-Chairs shall transmit the list of nominations (the “Slate”) to the membership. Only members who submitted their names to the Secretary for consideration by the Nominating Committee but were not slated for an Officer or Director position may run as Petition Candidates. Petition Candidates must gather at least 15 signatures from members in good standing and submit them to the Secretary. The Board will determine and communicate to the membership all other details, such as procedures and dates, governing the annual election of Officers and Directors.



    The Annual Meeting of the Club will be held on a day in November or December, as determined by the Board of Directors by a Board Simple Majority Vote.


    Special meetings of the membership may be called at any time by the President, by a Board Simple Majority Vote, or by any 25 voting members in good standing who request the meeting in writing to the Secretary.


    Written notice of the Annual Meeting, or any special meeting, shall be given to the members by the Secretary not less than 14 days prior to the meeting.


    Twenty-five voting members will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Lacking a quorum, a smaller number may adjourn the meeting to a future time, provided written notice is given to each member. Each active membership shall be entitled to cast a vote.


    At any meeting, the order of business shall be as follows:

    • Roll call

    • Reading of minutes of previous meeting

    • Reports of officers

    • Election of officers or directors, if appropriate

    • Reports of committees, if appropriate

    • Unfinished business

    • New business


    The Club hereby indemnifies all of its directors, officers and members of its standing and ad hoc committees to the full extent permitted by law against any loss, cost, damage or expense actually and necessarily incurred by them in connection with the defense or settlement of any action, suit or proceeding, pending or threatened, in which said director, officer or member is made a party by reason of having been a director, officer or committee member of the Club. The Club may advance reimbursable expenses on behalf of an indemnified party, as long as said party undertakes to repay the amount, should such indemnification not be valid as authorized by law.

    The Club shall purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of present or past directors, officers or committee members in pursuance of their Club duties, whether or not the Club would have the power to indemnify them against such liability under the provisions of this article.


    A Capital Improvement shall be any improvement in the Club’s tennis courts, facilities or grounds which is discretionary, upgrades those areas for the benefit of the membership or the public and would not be considered regular maintenance. A Capital Improvement requiring a total expenditure of less than $5,000 may be undertaken by the President without approval of the Board, but such undertaking shall be promptly reported to the Board by the President. A capital improvement of $5,000 or more and less than $20,000 requires the approval of the Board by a Board Simple Majority Vote before being committed or initiated. Any amount of $20,000 or more requires a Board Super Majority Vote.



    These Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed at any meeting of the Board of Directors by a Board Super Majority Vote.


    Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the official rules of the Club.


    This Club shall not discriminate against any applicant for membership or deny the use of its facilities to any person, or discriminate against any person in employment decisions, because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental handicap, unfavorable discharge from military service, parental status, or sexual orientation.


    Wherever applicable the gender of any words used in this agreement shall be construed to include any other gender, and words used in the singular form shall be construed as if they were used in the plural form.


    These Bylaws shall take effect November 5, 2022. They supersede all prior Bylaws, including but not limited to those Bylaws dated June 28, 2015, November 15, 2010, March 25, 2010, June 24, 2009, February 11, 2009, May 1, 2004, April 11, 1991, September 19, 1990, June 1, 1968. All such prior Bylaws are hereby repealed.



    1. The Head Pro may reserve court 6 without any of the usual restrictions that apply to the membership at large, with the exception of the times that are blocked out for open court play on busy weekdays, weekends, and holidays, and during certain special events. At the Head Pro’s discretion, he/she may cede court 6 to an assistant pro. All matters related to the use of private courts by tennis pros are subject to review by the Club Manager or Assistant Manager.  

    2. An LPTA member may arrange, at his/her cost, for lessons with the Head Tennis Pro or another approved LPTA instructor on court 6. The Club Manager and Head Pro are the final authority on all teaching assignments. 

    3. LPTA courts 5 & 6 may be reserved for team practices and the All-Levels Group Tennis Drills when two courts are being used. Lessons, tournament matches, and other club-sponsored events are not allowed on the courts prior to 11:00 am on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Season-long league and ladder matches and other Club sponsored events may be played when there are team matches, drill groups, and team practices in session, but only under the same terms that apply to all other club members, i.e., “first come, first served” and 50-minute playing time when others are waiting. Except for semi-finals and finals, the 50-minute bumping rule applies at all times. 

    4. Only LPTA members may sign up for All-Level Tennis Drills. LPTA members may invite a guest to join if space is available within 24 hours prior to the scheduled session. Anyone who signs up and fails to cancel or gives less than 24-hour notice of cancellation twice in a season (without due cause) will lose group tennis drill privileges.  

    5. Except for LPTA-approved instruction, no LPTA member or guest may provide tennis instruction for compensation on the LPTA private courts. Any guest who violates this rule will be asked to leave and may forfeit his/her right to be a guest for the remainder of the season. LPTA will not refund any guest fee(s). Members should inform their guests of this rule. Any member who violates this rule will be referred to the LPTA Board of Directors for consideration of termination of membership in accordance with the Bylaws.

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